The Six PM Launch
Not everyone here is a first timer. But I am. I’ve been banging out ideas and trying them out on anyone willing to listen. A lot of it’s not really stand up. Corey calls it “stories you’d tell your friends in the bar.” Mr Miyagi tells me I gotta punch. I’m getting there, slowly, I tell myself. Cutting from eight and a half minutes to five. Taking the stuff that won’t fit and sticking it into a file called “Leftovers.” Standing up in the living room and rehearsing at the dogs, who either bark or look the other way. Man’s best friend? Then why aren’t you laughing? At least you could look interested. But these dogs were born years after I threw the mean coach in the pool. And they certainly weren’t there when I found that leg out in the middle of the Colorado River. How was I supposed to know it belonged to somebody?
May 21, 2023, 6pm at the Ice House. See if you can spot me in the back. I hope you’ll get over whatever’s stopping you from coming, and come laugh your ass off with us. Tickets available here.