Dry Run

This is us getting ready for the August 6 Cool Beans Comedy showcase at The Ice House in Pasadena. We’re in the California Room, working out with Andrew. We’ll have another run-through in the Legendary Room, with Corey, and then begins the week long final stretch, a combination of practice and anxiety, and the knowledge that we all did great today, and to keep it going with those final tweaks to make sure we come in under five minutes. By “we,” I mean “me,” because nobody else went over. I’m still at 5:30, but Corey points out two places where I can cut. Time flies when I’m up there. I could easily do a ten-minute set, but that’s not the point. The point is to get out what you need to say, and to do it in five. There’s a warning red light at four minutes, which we acknowledge with some sort of gesture, followed by a flashing red at five. In an ideal world, we start our race for the exit at four. Will I remember? I don’t know. Come to The Ice House on Sunday, August 6, for the 8pm show, and you’ll find out!


Packed Up and Ready to Roll


The Audience Reacts