Stuck on Lodi Again

The other day, Penny hit me with the idea of driving up to Lodi for the day to pick up a blow mold turkey and some pilgrims. Certainly a worthy cause, but part of me feared we might get stuck there. My geography is not what it used to be, so I had to check a map to discover that Lodi is on roughly the same parallel as San Francisco, and over five hours drive time away. I visited the website to see pictures and determine whether we ought to go. A&W Root Beer got its start in Lodi. But I’m on the no ingredient diet these days, so that’s not a pull. Downtown looks old and charming. The fact that Lodi is off CA99 is a draw. I could care less about the wineries. Shuffling of the schedule would allow an overnighter. I’m still thinking about it, three days later. I’ll probably continue to think about it, off and on, all summer and beyond. Oh lord, stuck on Lodi again.




A Gift for the Givers