The Curse of Good Enough
Growing up, I often heard words that…made sense to me: ‘Go with the flow’, or ‘Close enough for government work’ or ‘good enough is good enough, or ‘get along to get along’. I’ve come to recognize those utterances predominated my junior high and high school jobs: the school cafeteria, the Montgomery Ward warehouse, and from companion Fuller Brush salesmen. I also recognize that, for the vast majority of today’s workforce, good enough is, indeed…good enough.
But it’s no longer sensible. In today’s global economy, complacency often become obsolescence; and obsolescence becomes unemployed. Those fortunate enough to keep their jobs become mired in a dead-ended existence.
Certainly not what we were promised in high school and college.
But sadly, those institutions were intended to breed compliance. And complacency.
And that just won’t do it in today’s unstable world economy. Recognizing that the world’s economy includes your local neighborhood jobs and businesses. To paraphrase Tip O’Neil, the world’s economy is local.
Happily, it doesn’t take much to better ‘Good Enough’. Anything better than ‘Good Enough’ stands out, head and shoulders above the rest. A beacon apart from all those who claim they do just what you do.
Here are 5 simple steps to rise above the mass of mediocracy:
1. Twist the Golden Rule (treating others as you’d like to be treated). That would be to serve others as they want to be served. I believe that’s better than the Golden Rule because not everyone wants to be treated as you’d want. But everyone has an idea about how they’d like to be treated. Or served.
2. Solve their problems. People seeking help hate hearing what’s been done is company policy, or that’s all you’re allowed – or have been told – to do. Believe it or not, we’re in an era of a Service Economy. Every job today is providing a service (yes, even manufacturing). And what better service is there than solving another’s problems?
3. Be forthright. The person on the other end can accept almost any answer, if you’re honest with them. And help set their expectations.
4. Know what you’re talking about, or find out. Today’s a fast-moving world, what was current yesterday may not be today. And that’s okay. There are plenty of resources available to you. And it’s perfectly okay to admit to someone that you don’t know. And, that you will find out for them.
5. Be better than yesterday – even just a little. Today’s world is competitive, those who continually improve lead the way. And leading the way means just a little bit more commitment from you. You can do that, right?
Good Enough was just fine 50 to 60 years ago, not so much today. To build a career – or life – that’s fulfilling and secure, we must do better than merely go along with the flow. And there’s nothing better than leading the way.
Good luck out there!