NYCOMG | Meet the Omma

Live as if you don't know what pain is. Love as if your heart will never break.

—Amy Brock

On our way to the Edge, I was walking the Highline with Penny, which in actuality means that we were both on the Highline, walking, each at our own pace, sometimes Penny ahead, sometimes me ahead as I’d wander, stopping every few yards when something or someone caught my eye. Amy was chatting with a group of friends, and I stopped them. She had fantastic, colorful hair, and eye-catching glasses. “Let’s go onto the tracks,” she said. I indicated the little sign asking us not to do that, for the sake of the plants. It’s sacred plant ground. They grow out of the long disused tracks, where we all secretly or not so secretly wish to trample. The signs say “no,” but our hearts say “YES!” Amy reprimands me (but friendly) with “this is New York.” We cross the wire, all five of us, and make camp on the tracks, and I give the ladies rudimentary guidance on how to arrange themselves so it’s not a police line-up.

Amy’s a medium, a psychic, an in-tune human with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. She’s tapped into a stream of success by doing what she was born to do, and it’s brought her into the lives of ordinary, extraordinary people. She sees things in ways we typically don’t see, and it’s not due to the groovy glasses. We spent no more than five minutes together. But if you pay attention, you can learn a lot when you venture out onto the tracks.


NYCOMG | Andrew


NYCOMG | Sergio