NYCOMG | Al Franco

That crazy tooth that was driving me nuts this past month, #31 molar, is out as of this morning. Dr Sam was able to extract it in two pieces and put it into a cute little clear plastic box for Penny to make jewelry out of. My career as a #31 molar model is officially over. I am now full bore back in LA mode. Except… let me tell you about Al, who I met outside On This Day last week, when I overshot the CVS and wound up farther afield than I’d planned. He was leaning against a pillar, talking on his phone. I indicated my camera, and he nodded assent. We shot a lot of pictures. He’s @albooks on IG, a singer with a new release, “El Telefono.” He asked for a couple of pics for an upcoming video, so keep your eyes open. You never know where you’ll end up if you let yourself dream.




NYCOMG | Herald Square