Tour Guide Matt
He’s Matt from Issaqua, according to the name badge. But Matt from Boston loses his badge quite often, so today he’s Matt from Issaqua. A horror/comedy writer leading studio tours on his way to big places up ahead. Over here is where they filmed Rear Window. Hitchcock wanted to film in New York, but that wasn’t going to happen. So he had them build apartment buildings, thirty feet high, and roads. Real bricks. Real everything. But thirty feet wasn’t tall enough. They blew up the buildings, and they blew up the floor so they could build him sixty foot apartments. And then the crew started getting sick. Carbon monoxide poisoning, from the real cars driving on the real roads with no real ventilation. By the time it was all done, it cost more than if they’d filmed in New York. The lesson? According to Matt from Boston, “this is why you listen to Hitchcock the first time.”