En Route to Moncks Corner

Upon our arrival in Charlotte, the first order of business after gathering our luggage and picking up the rental car (in the words of the gracious young lady at Enterprise, “pick any one!”), seriously? I thought perhaps this was a scam, or a joke, but no! We could pick “any one!” so of course, I picked the biggest, a VW Atlas, and getting back to that matter of first order of business, off we drove, at Penny’s suggestion, to some Carolilna BBQ at Noble Smoke. You know that Penny’s a vegetarian, right? Well, except for eggs and cheese and fish, but it was her idea, and that, my friends, is true love. Writ large, in big, fat, permanent ink. And the perfectly sized portion of succulent pork ribs, along with an overboard number of sides like corn, brussels, and hush puppies. Would I fly down to Charlotte for no other reason than Noble Smoke? Yes, I would.


Musical Moment | No. 10


Musical Moment | No. 9